Category: Uncategorised (Page 2 of 2)

Blog post 2

  • What is a digital identity?

Digital identity is information on a certain agent whether that be an individual, company, organization, or group online. Digital identity forms with interactions between that agent and websites, users, applications, etc. Thus, meaning every interaction done online will have impacts on one’s digital identity-inherently shaping the identity to what it is today, and constantly influencing opportunities in the future.

  • How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

Social media use is encouraged for a time of leisure for an individual’s personal or professional use. Social media can be encouraged to use for professional reasons as well- online platforms give access to more resources for professional use. In addition, it allows for a community among professionals to be built online by “Connecting to certain communities of practice gives meaning to the professional identity”. However, it can be a risk when professional and personal online identities overlap. Often social media can be used to share creative ideas, memories, thoughts, opinions, critiques etc.-some of which are not professionally appropriate. If someone is in a position of professional superiority than it is assumed that that individual would hold the same level of professionalism online.

  • How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits?

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to keep personal and professional digital identities separate. One can avoid the overlapping of such identities when a different name is used for either of the identities. However, it is not for certain that these two will never overlap- experts can be hired to identify personal data posted online. This information can be used for court cases, job positions, home applications, and insurance claims which can cause great loss and/or great benefits for the individual. As stated previously, it is thought that when one works in a professional environment they are able to keep a professional identity online as well.




Jawed S, Mahboob U, Yasmeen R. Digital professional identity: Dear Internet! Who am I? Educ Health 2019;32:33-5

Blog post 1

  1. What does it mean to network using social media?

Social networking is internet- based social media platforms that allow users to stay connected with family, friends, colleagues, or clients. Networking can be social or serve a different purpose by allowing businesses to promote new product and share new information. Some examples of social platforms are as follows face book, Instagram, snapchat, Pinterest.

  1. How do people learn and engage using mediated platforms?

People learn using mediated platforms by engaging in the activity (liking, commenting on posts, subscribing to content, watching stories, sharing posts) which inherently teaches you when engagement is repetitive. You are also able to learn by following the content of users who interest you.

  1. How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

We are motivated because the internet has become very prevalent in our everyday lives. Internet is used for the majority of interactions- how we communicate, express ourselves, work, get from point A to point B, etc.

  1. What are the risks and rewards of public communications?

There are many risks and rewards of public communications, some even say it’s becoming dangerous. Some of the risks are as followed: with AI being used to compute algorithms for social media platforms allowing advertisements to target individuals based on what they look at. Therefore the internet is able to predict patterns and thus, influencing us. (Aka changing social perception one advertisement at a time). Lastly, mental health has been extremely prevalent in younger adults due to social media. (depression, suicide, eating disorders, etc)

Welcome and Introduction

Before proceeding with this first blog post, we expect you to consider your privacy preferences carefully and that you have considered the following options:

  1. Do you want to be online vs. offline?
  2. Do you want to use your name (or part thereof) vs. a pseudonym (e.g., West Coast Teacher)?
  3. Do you want to have your blog public vs. private? (Note, you can set individual blog posts private or password protected or have an entire blog set to private)
  4. Have you considered whether you are posting within or outside of Canada? This blog on is hosted within Canada. That said, any public blog posts can have its content aggregated/curated onto social networks outside of Canada.

First tasks you might explore with your new blog:

  • Go into its admin panel found by adding /wp-admin at the end of your blog’s URL
  • Add new category or tags to organize your blog posts – found under “Posts” (but do not remove the pre-existing “edci338” category).
  • See if your blog posts are appearing on the course website (you must have the the edci338 category assigned to a post first and have provided your instructor with your blog URL)
  • Add pages, if you like.
  • Include hyperlinks in your posts (select text and click on the link icon in the post toolbar)
  • Embed images or set featured images and embed video in blog posts and pages (can be your own media or that found on the internet, but consider free or creative commons licensed works). To embed a YouTube video, simply paste the URL on its own line.
  • Under Dashboard/Appearance,
    • Select your preferred website theme and customize to your preferences (New title, new header image, etc.)
    • Customize menus & navigation
    • Use widgets to customize blog content and features
  • Delete this starter post (or switch it to draft status if you want to keep it for reference)

Do consider creating categories for each course that you take should you wish to document your learning (or from professional learning activities outside of formal courses). Keep note, however, that you may wish to rename the label of the course category in menus (e.g., as we did where it shows “Social Media & PL” as the label for the “edci338” category menu.  This will enable readers not familiar with university course numbers to understand what to expect in the contents.

Lastly, as always, be aware of the FIPPA as it relates to privacy and share only those names/images that you have consent to use or are otherwise public figures. When in doubt, ask us.

Please also review the resources from our course website for getting started with blogging:

Test Social Media Post

This post  will appear in a few places:

  1. in the blog feed on the front of your website
  2. in the Learning Design menu on your website. This is because we have applied the “edci338” category to this post and the menu item “Social Media & Personalized Learning” has been created from the category “edci338.” For every post you make for this course, please assign the “edci338” category to it. You are welcome to use this blog for your personal hobbies or for other courses, in which case, you could create additional menu items and categories for them.
  3. if you give permission, your posts categorized “edci338” will be aggregated onto the Blog Feed on the EDCI 338 Course Website.

Feel free to delete this post once you understand this. If you have any questions, please reach out to your instructor.

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